Welcome in our web site! Here you can understand our creed, you can read our history, you can look for activities and events and you can listen to Sunday messages (Italian language).
We regret that messages are in Italian. It would be very difficult to translate them. However we can try to make you understand their content. If you have Italian friends you could also direct them to our web site.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
Sunday Worship and weekly activities are also available in real time on ZOOM. In the “Activities and events” area you can find the information to join it.
Panel 1
Who are we?
We call ourselves Evangelical Christians because we follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. We bear the name of Christian Bible Church because we seek to be faithful to that only which is written in the Holy Bible and therefore we are not bound by the traditions of men, whether they are ecclesiastical organizations or the worship of great names or saints.
Our creed
We believe in God the Father, the Lord and Creator of all things, both in heaven and in earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, and therefore God manifest in human form, who died on the cross, who rose again from the dead on the third day, who ascended into heaven and who will return again to this earth.
We believe in the Holy Spirit who regenerates lost sinners, who gives new life to the believer, and who sanctifies that life by His continual abiding presence.
Panel 2
Dick and Laura Paul arrived in Florence April 9, 1962 with 5 children and with the vision to begin a local church with their elders and would be self supporting.
A small group of 6 people was begun May 25, 1965 in the Fornaciai home in Via del Chiesino 22. The group grew and at the beginning of 1973, with a group of about 10 people they rented a meeting room. March 4, 1973 they had their first public service and began regular weekly meetings and Bible studies. The group grew and April 26, 1976 they rented the adjoining room to enlarge their meeting space. They also began Sunday School for the children and a youth group.
Panel 3
Weekly activities
- Sunday Warship at 10:15 (also on Zoom)
- Wednesday Prayer Meetings at 16:30 and 20:30
- Biblical Studies (contact us for more information)
Special events
- Domenica 2 Giugno 2024: presentazione di Luna. Il culto si terrà regolarmente e a seguire piccolo rinfresco.
- Domenica 5 Maggio 2024: in memoria di Susanna. Il culto si terrà regolarmente e a seguire aperi-pranzo comunitario
- Domenica 18 Febbraio 2024: Festa dell’amicizia. Il culto si terrà regolarmente e a seguire pranzo comunitario
- Giovedì 25 Gennaio 2024: inizia una serie di incontri su come interpretare la Bibbia a cura di Pietro Ciavarella (trovate i messaggi via via nella pagina dedicata agli Studi Biblici)
Events 2016; Events 2017; Events 2018; Events 2019; Events 2020; Events 2021; Events 2022; Events 2023
Panel 4
Messages can be listened and downloaded from the Italian page.

Panel 5
Messages can be viewed from the Italian page.
